How to resize book covers for your author website

This is something I get asked for advice on A LOT, so I thought I’d do a quick video to show you how to resize the covers for your books, so that they’re not too big before you upload them to your author website.

I’m using a free online tool called Adobe Photoshop Express to do this - it’s the one I would most recommend as it’s free to use (you do have to sign up for an account but there’s no obligation to pay) and as it’s been created by Adobe, the interface is great and it all works very smoothly.

The key file size to remember is 500KB - we don’t want images on our website to exceed this size.

If after you’ve resized the file in Adobe, it’s still a little over the 500KB limit, you can use another free website (no login required) called to get it down even further.

So without further ado - here’s the video:

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Charlotte Duckworth

I’m the USA Today bestselling author of five psych suspense novels: The Rival, Unfollow Me, The Perfect Father, The Sanctuary and The Wrong Mother. My bookclub debut, The One That Got Away was published in the UK and the US in 2023, under the name Charlotte Rixon, followed by my second bookclub novel, After The Fire, in 2024.

I also design beautiful Squarespace websites for authors.

Some honest thoughts about writing fiction as a career


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